Farm Services
Whether you run a Beef, Sheep, Dairy or mixed enterprise, Fakenham Farm and Equine Vets are able to provide you with the veterinary expertise you need. Whether you have 2000 breeding ewes or 20 pedigree Herefords, your stock will be given the same level of care and attention to ensure they are kept in the best health possible and that they are as profitable and productive as possible.
Running a successful farming business in today's world requires a team effort and at Fakenham Farm and Equine Vets we believe we are an important part of that team, working alongside nutritionists, foot trimmers, external consultants and most importantly with the on farm team to achieve the best possible outcomes.
The future of farming needs to be sustainable and Fakenham Farm and Equine Vets is dedicated to helping our clients achieve this in every way. In order to be sustainable we must ensure food production is maintained but at a minimal cost to the environment around us. This can be done by keeping the stock free of disease as well as encouraging healthy soils and biodiversity, reducing antibiotic and wormer usage, reducing plastic usage and being aware of the carbon footprint of our activities.

Farm Animal Clinical Services
Our vets carry out a full range of day to day clinical services: routine fertility visits and pregnancy scanning, herd and flock health planning, infectious disease testing and management and of course clinical diagnosis and assistance for sick and injured animals.
Fairly Priced Medicines
At Fakenham Farm and Equine Vets we believe that you should be fairly charged for knowledge, expertise and advice that we can provide. We are not looking to charge an excessive mark-up on medicines that are essential to the health of your animals. This ethos means that we will almost always be the best price you will find for your medicines.
Optimising fertility is crucial to the success of any farm whether that is beef, dairy or sheep. Good fertility needs consideration from the point of conception all the way through calving/lambing to the preparing the dams for the next year's young stock.
With that in mind we offer assistance in all of the following areas
• Heifer Pelvic-Measurements to aid with selection of replacements
• Bull Fertility Testing
• Synchronisation Programs tailored to suit individual farms
• Accurate Pregnancy Scanning using portable wireless scanner
• Calving and Fertility data analysis
One of the major welfare and productivity issues of livestock is lameness. We encourage a proactive approach to all forms of lameness ranging from mobility scoring and interaction with a NACFT registered foot trimmer for Dairy units to advice on pasture management, foot bathing and if necessary the use of vaccines to control foot rot in sheep flocks.
Managing Mastitis and Cell Counts in dairy units can be challenging and time consuming. The solution can be found in good analysis of milk quality, milk records and on farm clinical mastitis data. Working alongside you to assess all potential sources of pathogens allows us to identify and resolve problems. Mastitis is not a problem limited to dairy cows. Beef and Sheep units can have their own issues and these should not be overlooked as they are significant causes of loss of production.