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All fees, consumables and drug charges are subject to VAT at the current rate. Fees are determined either by the time spent or a fixed rate for the service provided and according to the drugs, materials and consumables used. Details of fees are available on request and a detailed invoice is produced for every visit, procedure or transaction. There may be occasions when we incur costs on your behalf, such as analysis of blood samples by an external laboratory, and any such costs may be invoiced at a later date. Whenever possible we will give you an estimate of the cost of treatment, however, variations and complications may arise resulting in further costs being incurred.


Settlement Terms

New clients are required to pay in full at the time of veterinary attendance for the first visit and all work carried out.  Thereafter all payment is within 7 days receipt of an invoice which will be provided on the day of the appointment.  You may apply to have credit terms extended to 28 days from the date of the invoice and this will be offered at the discretion of the Directors provided that standard payment terms have been adhered to. 

Outstanding accounts over 60days will receive a non-refundable £15+VAT adminstration fee.  Failure to forward payment for veterinary services can result in withdrawal of future treatment and/or visits.

Non-payment after 90 days will result in court action and we will refer the matter to debt collection agents which will incur costs. Any costs incurred to collect the debt will be added to the debt, plus VAT at the prevailing rate. You agree that you will be legally liable to pay us that surcharge, and that payment of the same can be enforced against you in court. You also agree to pay interest at the relevant reference rate provided for under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998, which interest is payable both after and before any judgment of the court and continues to accrue.


Methods of Payment

Settlement of your account is preferred by BACS (Bank Automated Credit Service. 

•      Account Number: 10100259

•      Sort Code: 60-83-71

You may also settle an account by Direct Debit, Credit or Debit Card, Cash or Cheque.

Inability to Pay

If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of being unable to settle your account please discuss this matter as soon as possible with us. Instalments or part payments of any account may only be sanctioned with the express permission of the Directors.


Insurance Claims

Please ensure that you read the small print on your insurance policy documents so that you are fully aware what is and isn’t covered in the event of a claim. It is your responsibility, as owner, to notify your insurance company that your horse is undergoing treatment and submit the necessary claim forms, however, we will offer administrative assistance where possible. As the requirements of the various companies differ please ensure that you keep your insurance company up to date and that you comply with their requirements.

Payment for treatment is required by you, the owner/keeper and not the insurance company. The role of the insurance company is to reimburse you for fees paid to us.



We cannot accept instructions from anyone under the age of 18 years. In certain situations we understand that requests will be made by persons acting as your agent, such as yard owners or managers. We will assume unless advised in writing by yourselves, that they have your authority and are acting in your interest and on your behalf. In giving instructions, either in person or by your agent, for an animal to be treated, you will be responsible for all charges incurred.



Before your first visit you must have completed a registration form, which is signed to confirm that you have read and agreed to our ‘Terms of Business’. Our normal office hours are from 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.  An ‘Out of Hours’ fee will be charged for all requests for visits made outside these times.


Our standard visit charge is for all work that is booked on the same day as the appointment.  In order to encourage booking appointments ahead of time we have a reduced call out fee for anything booked in advance.  In order to qualify for a pre-booked visit, the appointment must be made by 5pm the previous working day.


A zone visit scheme is also available, details of which can be found on the website.


Ownership of Records

Case records, x-rays and similar documents are the property of, and will be retained by Fakenham Farm and Equine Vets Limited. Even though a charge may be made for carrying out the investigations and interpreting the results, ownership of the resulting record e.g. an x-ray or ultrasound scan remains the property of the practice. Upon request, copies of records with a summary of the history of your horse will be passed to another Veterinary Surgeon taking over your horses care and treatment.



It is extremely important that horse vaccinations are carried out on time, if not then you may be excluded from competitions and you may also be excluded from sites where competitions take place. Being overdue by just one day means restarting the whole vaccination course again. Whilst we do endeavor to send out vaccination reminders we will not accept any responsibility if your horse is not vaccinated within the correct time frame or before the necessary due date.



In order to comply with RCVS Medicine Regulations, we cannot supply medication or a prescription without first seeing your horse. Repeat prescriptions can only be given if the animal is under the actual care and attention of the attending veterinary surgeon. Re-examinations are required at least every 6 months, depending on the type of medication and the condition being treated. Subject to our professional duties as veterinary surgeons, we reserve the right to make final decisions on treatment. Please allow at least 48 hours for both repeat and written prescriptions.


Return of Medicines

Unfortunately due to VMD regulations we are unable to accept the return of any unused medicines or vaccines for refund.  We are happy to accept them for proper disposal.


Pre-Purchase Examinations

Information relating to pre-purchase examinations remains the property of the potential purchaser instructing the practice, not the vendor. We will request credit card details of the purchaser and the full cost of the vetting will be taken in advance. In the event of a pre-purchase examination not taking place a full refund will be given.



Our aim is to provide you and your horse or pony with the highest standard of treatment and care and whilst we hope that our service does not give you cause for complaint, if you wish to complain please contact the directors in the first instance. If you are unhappy with the treatment or progress of your horse, we can arrange for a second opinion from another veterinary surgeon.



We are always pleased to receive feedback on the service we provide.

Contact Us

7E West Raynham Business Park​

Blenheim Road


NR21 7PL


01328 633025

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